The Crazy Messed Up Journey Beauty, Love, Happiness and a Little Bit of Life.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Clear Skin

Everyone wants clear model perfect skin. Routines
work differently for different things. Some skin
types are extra oily or extra dry. Some are combinations
Mine happens to be pretty normal (dry after washed,
oily in mid day ext.) So here is a prime routine to
get (almost) perfect skin.

1) St Ives Apricot Scrub
Wash your face with a scrub to loosen the dead skin
cells and grime from your pores.

2) Witchhazel
This needs to be rubbed all over your face using
cotton pads or scrubing pads. I know it smells awful
but it is great at cleaning the skin.

3) Clearasil Daily Acne Control Pore Pads
Rub your face clean with the pad. This will
certify that your face is well cleaned and acne be
4) Clean and Clear Ointment
Use the spot treatment to rid your face of bothersome
marks and pimples.

Once or twice a week (in problem areas) use pore
strips. Biore is the brand I use. You can actually
see the dirt that was in your pores. Gross but so cool!

***this tactic is not created by a dotor and it is highly
advised that you consult a dermatoligist to insure
desired results and prevention of harm to your

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Flat Stomach Fast

So recently I have been super skeptical of the
"Flat Tummy in 7 Days" claims. I've studied the theory
of it all and have concluded that some are bogus but
some aren't too bad! Here are some of the legit things I
have found:

1. Grapefruit
I have always been skeptical of The Grapefruit Diet and
all it's claims. After I couldn't find a single not positive
review I decided to give it a whirl. Well let me say I tried
doing it during Thanksgiving Break...yeah I know. So
instead I kind of made my own plan. I ate whatever I
wanted whenever I wanted. Ate when I was starving and
didn't when I wasn't. I had 1 grapefruit a day and at least
1 glass of (100%) grapefruit juice a day. My stomach was
flat in at least 2 days! I was shocked! If you dislike the
taste then add a splash of splenda.

2. Pilates
I'm an constant advocate for pilates ,especially Blogilates
with Cassey Ho. She is WONDERFUL. Try out the
Victoria Secret Abs video. It's got all the pieces for a great
workout. She works magic. I do warn you it's VERY hard.
Give it a try!!!

3. Run
Don't get me wrong I'm so not a runner ,but just getting
your butt active is going to benefit you and your abs. Try
running up and down hills or light jogging. Grab some
hot running gear for the cutie next door and get your
butt in gear!

***All advice is not given by a professional. Take advice
with precautions and after consulting a doctor. This is
only what is worked for the blogger.***